
Speak Up as a Student Sponsor

Empowering children by creating responsible citizens through education and social action.

We desire to empower children in Uganda by giving them access to education through cost shared student sponsorships. This model affords Ugandan families the opportunity to invest in their child’s future while creating relationships that connect children and adults around the world.

You will:

·Commit to sponsor a child or class for at least one year. (Classes range in size from 30-40 students.)

·Communicate with your child/class.

·Support your student(s) financially. School sponsorship fees are $12 monthly per student or $144 per year, and school is in session from January-January.

Your sponsorship provides:

-Books and school supplies.

- A school uniform.

-Half tuition.

-Meals (porridge and lunch).

-Monthly staple food items for your student’s entire family (beans, rice, and flour).

-A year-round education.

-A relationship with you and a hope for an even brighter future.

You will receive:

·Pictures and letters from your child/class.

·The opportunity to send photos and letters by mail to your child/class.

·A photo of your child’s classroom.

-Scholastic reports each trimester.

·Tax deductible receipts for your donation.

*Classes sponsoring classes in Uganda will have the opportunity to video chat at school!

Contact Courtney to start the conversation!

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